
CES President's Message


Hello members.  It’s already the middle of January 2013.  I hope you all had a happy and healthy holiday season.

The Chapter Executive met yesterday to plan out our Professional Development activities for the coming year.  Kathryn, our Program Chair presented a plan for professional development sessions for February through May.  Check out the Chapter Professional Development page for dates, topics and presenters.

The Executive began talking about our Annual General Meeting coming up in May.  We are planning a full day event with workshops and presentations in the morning and afternoon.  To get us started,  Larry Bremner, President of  CES, has confirmed he can attend and is willing to provide a half day workshop.  We have reviewed the workshop abstracts that Larry has provided and can’t decide which one to pick so we have decided to ask you.  Please check out the AGM page and select your preferred workshop options.  We also want to know if there are members wanting to present on some aspect of evaluation practice.  If so, please follow up with Kathryn.  Your Executive is hoping this can be a day of good discussion and networking.

We are working on a strategic and financial plan for the chapter to present to members for feedback and support.

As always, please contact us if you have question, comments or ideas.

Warm regards,


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