• Professional Development

    Evaluative Thinking with Dr. Thomas Archibald (April 19, 9AM to 2:30PM)

    Evaluative Thinking Workshop Thomas Archibald, Ph.D. April 19, 2022, 9AM to 2:30PM Atlantic Time Register via EventBrite: https://evaluativethinking.eventbrite.ca How does one “think like an evaluator”? How can program implementers learn to think like evaluators? Recent years have witnessed an increased use of the term “evaluative thinking,” yet this particular way of thinking, reflecting, and reasoning is not always well understood. Workshop Objectives Michael Quinn Patton warned that as attention to evaluative thinking has increased, we face the danger that the term “will become vacuous through sheer repetition and lip service.” This workshop can help avoid that pitfall. Drawing from over 10 years of research and practice in evaluation capacity building (ECB),…

  • Professional Development

    Asking for a Friend: Developmental Evaluation with Louise Adongo

    Aligned with CESNS Journal Club‘s March 2022 focus on Developmental Evaluation (DE), Andrealisa interviews C2019 Co-Chair Louise Adongo, on the role she sees for DE to support innovation toward equity and utility within programs and within evaluation practice. Together, they recall the evolution of DE in Canadian evaluation and at Inspiring Communities, and discuss upcoming opportunities and resources for Atlantic evaluators who are interested in applying DE to systems change (eg: a Primer), and work by Turtle Island Institute and the Blue Marble Evaluation Network. For a brief overview on Developmental Evaluation and when it might be a useful alternative: 3min Introduction to DE by Michael Quinn Patton 14min DE…

  • Networking,  Professional Development

    CES-NS Journal Club (Mar 23) – Scope Creep and Purposeful Pivots in Developmental Evaluation

    CES Nova Scotia Monthly Online Journal ClubMarch 23, 2022, 12:05 – 12:55 p.m Atlantic Time Registration:https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqfuipqjoqGtejijN5z6P-_5iV7CQDo92g CES-Nova Scotia is pleased to collaborate with other Atlantic CES Chapters to host an online Journal Club for CES members and guests, on the fourth Wednesday of every month. On March 23, we will examine a practice note from the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, entitled: Scope Creep and Purposeful Pivots in Developmental Evaluation.  Article abstract: This practice note illustrates a situation where, as program evaluators, we crept beyond the provisional boundaries set by our Developmental Evaluation (DE) goals to facilitate learning. Our DE was initially focused on one program which was being designed for online…

  • Networking,  Professional Development

    CES 2022 Conference – Early Bird Registration Now Open!

    Early bird registration is now open for the 2022 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference! For further info, please see the below from the 2022 Conference Planning Committee. Good Morning Everyone, I hope that you are enjoying your week. As of March 7, the Co-Chairs and all of the great volunteers for C2022 are very happy to announce that early-bird registration is now available here: https://c2022.evaluationcanada.ca/. We have uploaded a summary of all of the available presentations, workshops, and thematic breakfast sessions, venue and travel information, program-at-a-glance, and registration fees. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ryan Catte (C2022 Co-Chair) at [email protected]. Enjoy your day 🙂