11:54:31 From CES Nova Scotia (CES-NS) : Welcome everyone! We're just getting things set up and will open the session soon. 12:03:58 From Saad Malik : Thank you for the opportunity to learn from you today. 12:05:31 From CES Nova Scotia (CES-NS) : Glad you could join us, Saad! 12:05:47 From Clare Levin : Could you please put those articles in the chat? 12:12:05 From CES Nova Scotia (CES-NS) : I don't have the links handy myself. If others do, please feel free to put them in the chat! Otherwise we can include them in the post-event email. 12:25:56 From Stephanie Zubriski : Google Scholar Link to the Journal Article - Free Open Download: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Does+your+Implementation+fit+your+Theory+of+Change%3F+By+Steve+Montague&btnG= 12:26:23 From Andrealisa Belzer : Thanks Stephanie! 12:29:13 From Stephanie Zubriski : Question from slide titled ‘reach applied to a conventional model’ —> How is ‘health’ and ‘healthier public policy’ defined in this diagram? Can you talk about how you might measure these things? 12:31:31 From Colleen Goggin : Yeah ACOA! 12:31:56 From Pamela Yates : What is an SME? 12:32:07 From Colleen Goggin : small and medium sized enterprise 12:32:15 From Pamela Yates : thx 12:44:28 From CES Nova Scotia (CES-NS) : The webinar Steve referred to: https://ppx.ca/en/webinars/ 12:50:19 From Jenn Dixon : Thank you for all of this :) I started incorporating the spheres of influence into my logic model & ToC workshops a little while ago. I place the spheres on a Y axis and LM components on the X and use it as an interactive discussion activity with program owners. The convo that comes out of it is so much deeper 12:50:53 From Colleen Goggin : Great reminder on the importance of reach and spheres of influence -- thanks Steve! 12:51:12 From Pamela Yates : Thank-you. We have been using reach as part of our logic model for quite some time now and it is essential. 12:52:32 From karyn hicks : Would really like to see as much focus on reach in the design of the programs as well as on the monitoring and evaluation. 12:52:52 From Alisha LeBouthillier : Thank you - we are in the process of rolling out our first global Learning and Evaluation Framework and this topic is incredibly relevant given we work in 15 countries, with 57 intermediaries. 12:53:18 From Nancy Carter : Agree Karyn! 12:54:18 From Pamela Yates : I agree with Karyn that it should be integrated into program design as well. This used to be done via needs assessments prior to designing programs, but this seems to have fallen off for some reason as a standard practice. 12:55:45 From Paul Chaulk : Thanks for the great presentation and allowing the Maritimes to participate. 12:58:57 From Greg Lutes : Great session. Thank you for your time and knowledge sharing. 12:59:29 From Andrealisa Belzer : 1) using nesting in our theory will help us cross pollinate with regenerative design theory re: “fractals.” 12:59:53 From Jason Swinamer : Thank you for allowing me to attend. 13:00:19 From Andrealisa Belzer : 2) uptake of information is one example where “reach” is also the extent that the intervention is being accessed, not only the “push” but also the “pull” 13:00:48 From EMMANUEL LEONARD : Amazing presentation. Thank you! 13:01:25 From Andrealisa Belzer : 3) the intermediaries’ reach is a great way to consider how the intervention can have a mediating influence on other partners who also help achieve results. 13:02:05 From Andrealisa Belzer : Thank you so much Steve! If we all followed what you teach we would be much further along! 13:02:26 From karyn hicks : Thank you so much Steve, always a pleasure! 13:02:37 From Stephanie Zubriski : I am wondering if the book chapter Kaireen referenced in her introduction can be emailed out? I did not get a chance to note it down. 13:02:59 From Steve Montague : Thank you! 13:03:16 From Anne Gillies : Many thanks, a great refresher on why reach is so essential to quality in planning and evaluation.